Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.

A lifelong social activist, Obery Hendricks is one of the foremost commentators on the intersection of religion and political economy in America. He is the most widely read and perhaps the most influential African American biblical scholar writing today.

Obery Hendricks on Faith and Leadership

Obery Hendricks: Christian activism includes setting the record straight on ChristianityA scholar-activist talks about his new book, “Christians Against Christianity,” in which he details how right-wing Christians have distorted the faith. Read more about this here: Obery Hendricks: Christian activism includes setting the record straight on Christianity

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Obery Hendricks - The Week

Obery Hendricks: Christians who oppose masking have ‘the spirit of antichrist’ on The Week

Obery Hendricks Jr., a religion professor at Columbia University, said last week that Christians who refuse to wear masks are possessed by “the spirit of antichrist.” “These folk are not fulfilling their gospel responsibility. They’re violating it. They’re spitting in the face of it,” Hendricks said. “It’s anti-biblical. It’s anti-Christian. And I’ll go farther …

Obery Hendricks: Christians who oppose masking have ‘the spirit of antichrist’ on The Week Read More »

Obery Hendricks on The Arbiter of Authentic Christianity

HOW CAN CHRISTIANS support the party of Donald Trump — a man who has boasted about sexually assaulting women, uses the Bible as an obvious prop as he tear-gasses protestors, and lies almost as often as he breathes? For many progressive Christians, the answer is obvious: white evangelical conservatives in the Trump era are desecrating

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Obery Hendricks on Stepping Into Truth

From the moment of his announcement that he was running for the presidency Donald Trump directed his efforts towards courting white evangelicals with  racist and anti-immigrant sentiments. But he didn’t start this trend, he simply hopped on a bandwagon that had been gaining speed for years. Author, scholar, and ordained minister Obery Hendricks and I

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Spectrum Magazine review on Christians Against Christianity by Obery Hendricks

“Christians Against Christianity” Takes Right-Wing Evangelicals to Task

Christians Against Christianity hits hard. Really hard. But it is also measured, thoughtful, reasoned, and carefully presented. The style is concise and evidence-based, with research on evangelical leadership, statements and polled positions of right-wing evangelicals, and serious biblical scholarship. According to the book jacket, the writer, Obery Hendricks, is a “best-selling author, an activist, a religious scholar,

“Christians Against Christianity” Takes Right-Wing Evangelicals to Task Read More »