Obery Hendricks - Beacon Broadside

Christians Against Christianity on Beacon Broadside

This is not the time warp we want to do again. Or ever. The conservative-majority SCOTUS wants to take us on a detour back in time when folks who aren’t straight white cis men didn’t have rights. A time when we thought of the planet as nothing more than an ashtray. A time when . . . you get the idea. Overturning Roe v Wade was the lowest of blows. Gutting the Clean Air Act stripped power from the EPA to curb greenhouse gas emissions. What’s next?

Now Justice Clarence Thomas, emphasis on the Thom because he’s everyone’s favorite Uncle Tom, is coming for laws protecting contraception access, same-sex relationships, and marriage equality. Incoming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is walking into a dystopian case scenario so many writers warned us about.

It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when you’re righteously furious. And for that, we have our authors’ books to fall back on to understand how we got here, to make sense of the mess going on. More importantly, we can learn to resist. Because we won’t go back!

Read the full article here: Our Supremely Regressive Court of the Unsettled States: A Resister’s Reading List

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